So here's the boots ..
I didn't really sure that i look good in this shoes, tapi Andrew ama Mila bilang bagus. Malah Andrew maksa banged aku beli ini.
Pihak Zara kasih waktu 7 hari buat nuker sepatunya kalo aku ga sreg.
Gimana donkk ?
Should i keep it or not ??
Aku merasa kaya bebek pas make ini hahahaha, jadi keliatan cebol, kaki pendek n endut.
Tapi semua bilang bagus, even mbak nya zara pun bilang kalo bagus pake ini. NOOO .. Bingung !

And, i also bought this gray loose shirt. I want to pair it with my brother's black pants, and i also want to wear it as a dress, plus black tights and the zipper boots IF i decide to keep it.
I really think i need a black leather jacket !

please ignore my tired eyes hehehe


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