DIY Studded Boots

What you need :
1. Studs
2. Glue Gun
3. Boots
4. Patience :D

And ... Voila !
i'll post my pictures with my new studded boots tomorrow :D


  1. omg they look like they come straight out from a store! it looks good! how did you manage to make holes in the back of the shoe though because it's the hardest part no?

  2. Be, numpang komen yaa...

    itu boots zara ya be?? ga sayang dipakein studs gitu?? tapi asli deh jadi keren banget...keren kamu be!

    trus maaf nih OOT...tapiii...ak penasaran banget deh pengen nyobain didandanin bebe...abis suka banget liat makeup2 kamu...
    ehmm...tapii...tarifnya mahal ya?? upss...hehehe...

    sayang banget aku di jakarta T.T
    laen kali kalo aku ke srby, pengen cobain ke salon kamu ya be...^^

    hehehe...pasti awesome ;)


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