Gossip Girl

I bought this first novel of Gossip Girl few days ago at Gunung Agung Bookstore at Galaxy Mall,
I was desperately need another interesting books after Twilight Saga.
I haven't find any so far, so i decided to bought this, cause I like the serial a lot,
and hoped that the books are as great as the TV series.
And, eventhough not as great as Twilight Saga and Harry Potter series,
i love it.
Right after i read the first page,
I found a few different things from the book and the TV series,
1. Erik was not Serena's younger brother, he's Serena's older brother. And totally not a fragile boy.
2. Chuck Bass's mom was alive and healthy at the book.
3. Jenny Humfrey wasn't a skinny girl as seen on the TV series, she's a brown-curly hair 1 years old girl with 34D boobs size. And wasn't into fashion design, but into art.
4. Vanessa was at the same school with Blair, Serena and friends.
5. Serena on the book was more fragile, childish, naughty and spontaneous. I prefer Serena on the TV series.
and a lot more ...
Gossip Girl on TV brings a lot more drama than the book, i guess.

while i was about to pay the book at the cashier,
i saw a small greeting card rack on the cashier desk,
i looked at it and decided to buy one cute card for Evan.
Well, although i was a bit mad at him at the time,
'cause he chose to play futsal with his friends than meet me early,
i still have the butterflies dancing in my stomach everytime i think about him *shyshy*,
so, i bought this cutie little pinky card,
and wrote something, to show that i miss him so much.
Can't wait to give it to him.
Ahhh, how February always brings lots of happy feelings (except the fact that i'll be 25 this February T_T)
I love you my Evan :)


  1. Gossip girl books! WOW WOW! I can't believe they are having a break from the series :-(


  3. Sekali lagi,
    terserah aku mo pasang apa, mau tulis apa :D
    sirik tanda tak mampu lalalala

    x ini loh lucuu deh
    apa2 sewot aja ndiri..
    ga cape bu?

  5. iya, lagian apa aku pamer ? engga kan ? aku malah share pemikiranku ttg novel itu.
    Bukan karena gossip girl nya, makanya, kalo ngga ngerti apa2 jangan komentar bu, aku ini suka baca, di older posts pun aku banyak membicarakan masalah buku. Jadi orang jangan negative thinking dan sirik terus lah hahahahaha

  6. si XXX : elu mah punyanya cuma bokep aja kale.. jgn2 "GOSSIP GIRL XXX" yg loe punya hahahahhahahahahahhahaha LOL

  7. bebe: sekali lagi, terserah aku mau komen apa, mau tulis apa :D jijik banget sirik ama damn girl kaya kamu hahaha

    prizcillia: HHAHAHHAHAHA prizcillia ini ALAY deh apa ikut2 komen? ga cape bu ?

  8. lah makanya,
    you supposed to jijik ama dirimu,
    kog sirik ama aku.
    kamu kaya maling teriak maling aja,
    kalo ga sirik ngapain kamu visit blog ku ?
    ngapain kamu care ama aku pake baju apa, tiru siapa, beli apa, post apa ??
    Lah ?
    Kamu cinta ya ama aku ? hahahaha.
    Gapapa kog, ngaku aja :p

  9. mengungkapkan KEKAGUMAN YANG BERLEBIHAN alias NGEFANS GILA2AN.. bisa diungkapkan dengan MENEROR kok spt nya baru aja kubaca dan kutambahin di wikipedia.. akakakkaa.. BENCI=BENAR2 CINTA LOH lol.. she can said "DAMN" but she just loving u be.. lol

  10. iya kaya nya dy sangking cinta nya ama kmu deh bebegoo ku.wkakka
    org bego yg belom perna merasakan cita ya gini,,
    tau nya dgn cara kampungan,,neror2 gitu dueh..
    jgn2 situ lesbi lagi..
    seyem dueh..wkakkaka

  11. sepertinya s X ini adalah fans gelap Bebe yg berusaha dengan segala cara mendapatkan perhatian bebe.. yato be?

    salut be, kecil2 gitu km banyak fans jg..sampe yg gila kayak s X..
    hmm.bnr omongan "shutupyourmouth"..elo LESBONG ya X?
    spt yg tadi aq bilang..
    emak loe ngajarin apa sih?
    ngajarin jd LESBONG? wkwkwk..betapa sedih nasib dirimu....

    kalo kau ngefans sama Bebe..berlaku yg fair dan bersahaja donk...masak beraninya lewat blog?

    berani ketemuan gak ma kita2?
    paling dijambak, digundulin dan disterika ntar elo..


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